excellent article and even better response to TJI. As the renowned French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy has written, there is no choice but to eradicate Hamas. And the repugnant ideology of Nazi Germany largely died with the end of the War. The editorial of TJI was misplaced and just wrong. Israel must be allowed to win .
Do you see the eerie parallel with the way the West supports Israel and Ukraine? In both cases they seem to be allies but not want the party they support to win "too well", ie conclusively end the conflict. They seem to consider these wars policing operations rather than authentic existential threats.
I view the world (and the fortunes of Jewish people) from the Eastern European perspective, a much less rose-tinted one than the Anglo/West's. Such nations are so secure and comfortable they have no living memory of a survival struggle, so don't take seriously when other nations are in such a position.
excellent article and even better response to TJI. As the renowned French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy has written, there is no choice but to eradicate Hamas. And the repugnant ideology of Nazi Germany largely died with the end of the War. The editorial of TJI was misplaced and just wrong. Israel must be allowed to win .
Thank you Debbie. And if Bernard Henri Levy says so (and of course he does) then I'm already 80 per cent on board.
Do you see the eerie parallel with the way the West supports Israel and Ukraine? In both cases they seem to be allies but not want the party they support to win "too well", ie conclusively end the conflict. They seem to consider these wars policing operations rather than authentic existential threats.
I view the world (and the fortunes of Jewish people) from the Eastern European perspective, a much less rose-tinted one than the Anglo/West's. Such nations are so secure and comfortable they have no living memory of a survival struggle, so don't take seriously when other nations are in such a position.
Great response to the TJI editorial. And the wicked son, he’s at the Seder table. Whether he likes it or not.
That's right Michael!