Good article Julie - just a shame that some of our elected MPs both State and Federal have seen an advantage in picking sides, often on very little understanding of the background facts and no understanding of what repercussions being at war means for Israel and for the civiilians of Gaza. Now is not a normal "business as usual" world....please keep explaining to those who are willing to listen both the cause and effects and possible outcomes of the current Israel-Hamas War.

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Thanks Susan.

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Thankyou Julie it's hard to comprehend the from our comfortable lives how it must feel to know that your country is surrounded by populations who have want an end to Israel. I despair at the fools who march the streets like Nazis in the 1930s contributing to this historic mania.

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Sadly I think they're very used to it Sandy. "Historic mania" is the right phrase for sure.

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Great Article Julie. No wonder Israelis are more pensive and introspective than ever before because the eight front is being waged by the West's global progressive elite whose influential anti-Israel advocacy has now become so preposterous that some of them are backing Iran and aligning, unwittingly or not, with the Great Satan, Little Satan narrative.

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Thanks David. I know: its seems unbelievable that they're recycling all that rubbish from the Islamic revolution. But here we are!

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Thank you ,Julie, as ever. We need more writers like you! Please keep it up!

I think Iran was simply testing how far it could push Israel : how good its defences are; and whether any coalition would form to protect it. Biden may well be worried that if this conflict goes further the US will be pushed to support its Sunni allies. I bet he really, really does not want to do this.But the US's entire stake in the ME may now be on the line.

Also, if the useful idiots in the West have their way, and no one sends any more weapons to Israel, Iran and its proxies, who have plenty, will certainly try to annihilate Israel.

Then given a scenario reminiscent of the catastrophic fall of the last Jewish state to the Romans, in 70AD, I wonder if the memory of Masada will emerge; and Israel will not only go down in flames, fighting absolutely to the very last person, but will use all its nuclear weapons on its enemies as it does so. So the outcome could be 10,000 times worse than now. No wonder the USA and its allies intervened recently.

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Thanks Pia. And I have the same apocalyptic thoughts myself. Very often.

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So well said, Julie. A great 'win', indeed!

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Blistering article, Julie. A Kafkaesque world.

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