This is just brilliant work. Outstanding reporting, wonderful writing, full of detail and anecdotes that resonate with larger meaning. A unique piece of writing that makes Israel a real place, full of real people, pulsating with life and hope and trepidation. A real place. How many pieces have achieved this - or even attempted it- since October 7? So glad you went and so glad you wrote this Julie. Thank you.

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Michael, I'm overjoyed and so grateful to get this endorsement from you. Thank you.

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May 12Liked by Julie Szego

Thanks Julie - your article helped me understand life in Israel. I’m so glad that you were able to share your latest journey with George. x

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That's so kind of you Clouise, thank you.

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May 12Liked by Julie Szego

A great piece.

However there are millions more messianic racists in USA (https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/greater-israel-from-the-euphrates-to-the-nile/) and they'll all vote Trump.

A reminder from Primo Levi's 'The Truce' -

"A new truck was travelling with us towards Italy at the end of our train, crammed with young Jews, boys and girls, coming from all the countries of Eastern Europe. None of them seemed more than twenty years old, but they were extremely self-confident and resolute people; they were young Zionists on their way to Israel, travelling where they were able to, and finding a path where they could. A ship was waiting for them at Bari; they had purchased their truck, and it had proved the simplest thing in the world to attach it to our train: they had not asked anybody’s permission, but had hooked it on, and that was that."

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A beautiful passage from The Truce, and thank you Trevor. Yep, you're right about the messianic racists in the states! There's an awful lot of them.

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May 12Liked by Julie Szego

I’m sorry to hear about your Dad Julie.

Thankyou for writing this and helping me to understand a little more...

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Thank you Jazz. 😉 I'm so thrilled you read this piece.

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May 12Liked by Julie Szego

Thanks Julie….as always your writing nails it!



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May 13Liked by Julie Szego

Such a stunning piece of writing, Julie. Complex, painful and alive. I wish their were more journalists out there like you. One of a kind. Sincerely sorry for the loss of your father, and so much more.

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Thanks for the touching words Karla.

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Thank you 😔

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May 14Liked by Julie Szego

Julie thank you, I feel like I was right there beside you, so clear are the descriptions of life under such terrible circumstances. A reminder too, despite what is in media reporting and some MPs taht insist on a Pro- Palestin = Pro-Hamas stance, that not everyone here in Australia is so blind to think that it is Israel that is the agressor and to one blame. I stand with you and them.

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Thank you Susan for the solidarity.

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I am in Israel now having just arrived last night. Your article reflects much of what I feel and see. Tel Aviv is the same but is different. You captured the contradictions and inconsistencies beautifully.

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Thank you Debbie ... and I'm hugely jealous! Enjoy the White City. x

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Ha ha...I am about to write something after my upcoming visit to the Gaza envelope on Thursday and am so nervous that I will unintentionally plagiarise your wonderful piece. Hopefully I won't!


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Very much look forward to reading about it!

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May 13Liked by Julie Szego

Firstly, my condolences for the loss of your father. I am glad he lived a long and no doubt enriching life.

Thank you for this wonderful piece, full of the texture woefully missing in current MSM reports. We are sadly lacking in such insights as to the Jewish experience of this terrible war and I wonder if the current spate of antisemitism might abate, even slightly, if the general public had more ready access to journalism of this quality.

My great fear is the Middle East is fated to be warred over for many generations to come. Under the guises of religion, nationalism and identitarianism, the people there seem bent on absolutes rather than workable compromises. It could be so different, a magnificent coming together of many cultures. We can only hope that one day peace will prevail.

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We can only hope David, and thank you for the lovely feedback. I think you're right in a general sense; superficial media reporting is making the current predicament a whole lot worse.

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