Thanks for bringing these things to light. Next time I'm looking for a job I'll be sure to check ACON's gold star list and avoid applying to those places, unless the situation is desperate.

I sort of wish this could be published in the Age or the Guardian. More people need to wake up to the insanity before it becomes entrenched.

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Wise words.

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Hope you did not overdose on alka seltzers whilst penning this fierce indictment! Love your wonderful sense of irony that produces a moment or two of relief.

"On the other hand, the Department was rewarded for placing sanitary bins in the male toilets — for remember, not all menstruators are women." Ha !

Thank you for being a warrior and exposing this worrying state of affairs to the madding crowd.

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As always, diligently researched, unplatformable, beautifully written, and distressing piece Julia. And funny! I also identifies as unemployable. Even more shamefully, I identify as a theologian. On this unplatformable platform I wish to voice my objection the singular genetive form of the Latin theological term Deus (i.e., DEI) meaning ‘God’ (as in 'imago Dei'), to refer to the overtly constructed and magically performative deity of the Rainbow Cult. I think non cult members should insist on using the acronym DIE to avoid being linguistically strong-armed into idolatry.

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That's hilarious Paul! And thank you. Love the term "unplatformable."

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People will DEI waiting for their pension applications to be approved.

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Applying your point about the hyper focus on trans identifying people in the workplace when the “they’s” are a micro population who alienate and dehumanise WOMEN is particularly relevant in Maternity & Women’s Health during Pride month. Male doctors / sonographers must be chaperoned when undertaking consented vaginal ultrasounds / exams but male trans identifying medicos have an apparent free for all which is all about the male’s ego gratification NOT the woman being cared for.

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Really??? How do you know? That is truly fascinating. And crazy.

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A cleverer commenter at another platform has referred to these people as Politruks. The quiet transition from equality to "equity" has been masterfully executed right under the public's noses, just like replacement of sex-based rights with those of "gender". Like most people alarmed by this I spent most of my life being a social democrat and believing in the naive goodness of social justice. But it has been repurposed as a vehicle for ideologically driven social engineering.

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Great work, Julie. What a pity mainstream media is so busy completely ignoring situations like this which expose the abandonment of basic principles like merit, integrity and honesty in our public bodies.

The QUT VC presents the move away from merit as being a way to encourage women into positions, which was the initial intent of the Athena Swann program in the tertiary sector. But given the way the Athena Swann modus operandi in universities has been corrupted, it's impossible to believe that there's any real intent at all to support women (of the adult human female kind) or any other group facing genuine disadvantage at all.

We've had affirmative action programs in the past - but even those did not throw out merit in selection processes in the way the Queensland government and QUT propose.

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Thanks Liz. And yes, it's quite extraordinary the way they explicitly, explicitly, renounce merit. The end of civilisation really.

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Thanks Julie - I too thought highly of Bill Shorten of preventing the word "mother" being redacted from hospital records when he first became Health Minister, however he and we, are all fighting against a silent but forceful darkside of gender identity politics. A dark force whereby our public institutions, most worryingly the state Education Departments becoming totally 'trans' captured. This is a result of a decade+ of "Safe SchoolS" BS (our kids being taught gender ideology as a positive thing) and additionally in Victoria the 2021 the "Change or Supression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act" now in forces in Victoria thanks to the Greens (now totally controlled by their pro-Trans members) and the ALP. Unintended ?? (sic) consequences of a very small % of gender dysfunctional adults insisting that their 'rights' to change their sex is something that we all have to blindly accept without question. But these 'trans' rights now overrule women's rights to safe spaces, to conduct women only sporting events, and a parent's right to parent. (a child as young as 12 can be removed from the family home should the parent disagree with their child deciding "it" is of the wrong sex....hence schools keeping such information - as in while at school a child has a new name + alternative gender 'private' so therefore kept from parents). Knowing what a terrible "Parent' the State has proven itself to be ....there will need to be a lot more Foster Carers and residential units in future to take on this confused next generation of trans kids. All good reasons to 1) never join in on the "what is your preferred pronoun ? club" The use of pronouns is not YET compulsory! and 2) to see calls and enforcement of "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" in our public institutions, more a case of DII = "Diversion, Inequlity (for women) and Insanity". It is no wonder that political allegiances are shifting, watch what happens in Canada, then the UK voters who will vote to undo such internal/ governance attacks on our societies by once 'progressive' but now trans captured governments.

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I agree Susan.. except the UK voters are about to vote for gender ideology though they don't yet know it.

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True re UK as there are lots of "weasel words" in the Labour's explanation of what they plan to do to protect women's rights ....the need for Women's Rights political parties and it is now urgent!

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Greaat comment Susan. Great calling out: DII is the proper naming of this Rainbow Cult's deity.

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Jeez I thought DEI was being rolled back. Maybe that’s just Uk and US. We are very behind the time here

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Thank you for another great article Julie!

I’m so happy that the word “mother” is back on hospital forms - in our crazy DEI world today this is a big victory for Bill Shorten. It’s such a shame his great ideas to improve Services Australia are being thwarted.

I cannot fathom why organisations such as ACON and the like have such unquestioned power (and government funding). I am so depressed that these organisations can hold up such necessary reforms to government and private organisations, and that

there is growing evidence that merit based appointments are starting to be viewed (eg at Harvard University) as so last century and that our universities and governments are destined to be lead by people who are recruited because they meet very narrow criteria. The dumbing down of the world is in progress…

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Look at this- ACON actually STOLE public money from gay men with HIV and invested it instead into ‘diversity and inclusion’. Which is why we are here today in this mess.

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Will check this out, ta.

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Would be great if you can coordinate with a video provider on these valuable articles (eg Avi Yemeni). Destroy the MSM if they keep getting woker! What about the trans lift advert??

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I'll be looking at video. 👍

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