You’ve described beautifully the difference between “Islamophobia” and anti-Semitism. What’s happening in the UK re the rape gangs, and the priority given to avoiding offending Muslims over the protection of, and justice for girls, is terrifying. We must oppose blasphemy laws without exception. Hitchens was right.
Brilliant. Thank you.Your paragraph beginning "The combined sermons of two western Sydney imams ..." speaks to a subtle point: I, a Jew, am careful about how I phrase criticism of Islam. I am always uncomfortable criticising religious belief systems. They, the Imams, OTOH, are totally comfortable here in Australia to say what they like. They are not actually in any real fear of anything. Their statements demonstrate it.
Yes - brilliant. Yet again, Julie, you write about one of the most pressing issues of the day with utmost clarity and insight. Whatever is in your cereal, keep eating it because it works ! Look after yourself and stay well. The world needs your voice.
Very troubling. Material realities are being obscenely falsely compared – ugly graffiti with firebombing synagogues – and non-incitement freedoms of expression are being branded as hate crimes whilst horrifying actual hate crimes are being branded as a legitimate act of resistance. And like you said, Julie, any sort of mockery and profanity towards Christianity is mainstream in academic, Leftist, theatre, and edgy arts contexts, and nobody gives a fuck. We are happy Voltaireans when it comes to some religions. But now, all of a sudden, we have this precious religious sensibility towards anyone who is not Jewish or Christian. On the one hand, this is a cultural death wish, as the West is deeply embedded in Greek philosophy, Roman law, and the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. But as you point out, antisemitism has a very long and recurring history in the West, albeit that the Christian saviour was a Jew. Antisemitism is a known and virulent scapegoat reflex in the West, which we must diligently guard against. Very troubling. Vale Elsa Cayat.
Yes I imagine "Fuck Jesus" or whatever scrawled on a wall near a church or whatever would feel highly threatening to local Christians-- especially as it could easily be the work of an Islamist. But somehow I can't see Burke et-al being performatively outraged should that happen.
Yes Julie… it wouldn’t be nice if impious and blasphemous insults were painted on the wall of my church, but, these sort of explicitly anti-Christian profanities so dominate our entertainment culture (“Jesus Christ!” having pretty much the same low level dramatic profanity impact as “what the fuck?”) that they hardly register. In the face of anti-Christian graffiti we (my fellow congregants) would probably assume that some young rebel (possibly the pastor’s son) was being egged on by ratbag peers rather than it being any sort of targeted hate crime. And indeed, Christians have not been a vulnerable minority in the West for a very long time. So in some sense, nobody caring about disrespecting the dominant religious tradition of the West is, well, strangely (culturally) Christian. Further, it is very unlikely that an Islamist would profane Jesus, who, to Islam, is one of the seven great prophets sent by God (and, intriguingly, Islam expects the second coming of Isa (Jesus) too!). But Islamic anti-Israelism is a very different kettle of fish (though it is not technically antisemitic, as most Arab nationalist antagonists to the existence of the state of Israel are also semitic). Though – returning to an Islam-Christian context – I do remember with strange humour the case of a play put on in London depicting Jesus as gay, that was shut down because London Muslims objected to such a depiction of one of their prophets, whilst no Christian expressed any public objection. None of this is to detract from your observation that neither ALP nor LNP politicians would be in any manner likely to defend respect for anything Christian (OK, ScoMo seemed to give something like that a go, though many Australian Christians, such as myself, found the attempt to fly something like a US religious right flag on Australian soil intrinsically distressing). But what is really going on has nothing to do with serious religion, it is simply duplicitous woke virtue signalling, a chilling re-kindling of that great Western blight, antisemitism, and the politics of delinquent sloganing being dangerously charged up for cheap political leverage.
Sorry to rabbit on here, but it is important to bear in mind that "kill the Christians/Jews/Muslims" is definite incitement to violence, it would be legally actionable hate speech, and is not valid free speech. Arguably, however, "fuck the Christians/Muslims/Jews" is fair game as free speech in a secular liberal democracy, as needlessly obscene, obnoxious, and intended to offend, as it no doubt would also be. But there are differences there as well. With the deep and broad demographic decline of Western Christianity, getting shitty about the (in many cases) genuine failures of cultural and institutional Christianity in the West, is largely seen as a 'growing up' sort of revolt against our own cultural parents, its all the rage in the university, and is sexy and fashionable. (Turning sexual union into a profanity – i.e., the popularity of ‘fuck’ as a swear word – is all part of this cultural rejection of anything Christian, as Christian notions of maritally sanctified sexual love were seen as holy. Profanities only work if you insult something that is holy.) But antisemitism does not have the same historical topography as Western anti-Christianity. Anti Jewish and anti Black racism has had very ugly violent hate crime histories in the 20th century West, unlike anti-Christian sentiments (in the West, but talk to Pakistani, Palestinian, Egyptians, Armenian Christians and you will get a very different story). So there indeed should be serious caution about obnoxious racist sentiments being expressed towards Jews. Matterially, however, firebombing Synagogues (and I remember the firebombing of Mosques after 9/11 too) is way beyond obnoxious, it is criminal and it is designed to promote violence against Jews, and it is in no manner equivalent to some obnoxious juvenile delinquent slogan being scrawled on a wall.
Dr. Gad Saad, who escaped Islamic persecution in Lebanon says: Stop coming up with qualifiers before the word Islam. “It’s not radical Islam, it’s not Islamism, It’s not militant, violent, extremism – It’s Islam.”
Yes that's a fair point. What is "Islam" anyway? It is whatever people decide it is in a particular place and in a particular context. We confuse ourselves with all the unnecessary qualifiers and contortions.
I prefer less emphasis on the texts and more scrutiny on the actions of those purporting to act in accordance with such texts. Frankly, the violence perpetrated should be separated from the alleged religious basis for it.
Thank you Julie. Yes, it should not be surprising that there is a wee bit of Islamophobia about at the moment.
We can thank the Runnymede Trust for coining the modern concept of Islamophobia in their 1996 Commission on British Muslims. In 1992 Runnymede also had a Commission on antisemitism. Since 1968 Runnymede has been influential in the manufacture, block by block, of the multiculturalism policy edifice in the UK.
The latest outbreak of the ongoing Islamist war on Israe,l and now the latest eruption of the ongoing British Muslim grooming gangs scandal, both reveal how the notion of Islamophobia is weaponised to muffle justified outrage at atrocities committed in the name of Islam, and to neuter our institutions from holding perpetrators accountable.
Multiculturalism only works if everyone plays nice.
Fortunately, we are starting to some traction for the premise that multiculturalism is not an unalloyed good thing. Unfortunately, certain cultures do not mix well without guidance and the strong enforcement of law, blind to cultural sensitivities. I am hopeful that some good will come out of the whole rape gangs scandal, in that politicians will be forced to accept that the safety of the people they govern should trump so-called "community cohesion".
Just emailed you the last chpt of my 2017 book Women, Insecurity and Violence in a Post-9/11 World. The chpt is titled 'Being Charlie, Being Paris.' Guess what it's about. Among other things, there's quite a bit about the nonsense concerning 'defamation of/insult to' religions, which climbed into lofty UN heights some time ago. And now in Oz we have a Special Person to deal with Islamophobia (which of course is not in my chpt: different chronotope).
I'm so grateful for your comments. I agree with Ann Drillich who wishes you well and urges you to take care of yourself - we seriously need the clarity of voices like yours.
"Will Durant in The Story of Civilization categorically states that the Islamic conquest of India is “probably the bloodiest story in history”. He adds: “It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precarious thing, whose delicate complex of order and liberty, culture and peace may at any time be overthrown by barbarians invading from without….” Some further context for your most recent contribution Julie. Important to remember, be aware when thinking about these matters now.
Not ever playing nice with Muslims. I've been saying this since the 1980s and will continue to do so. Fuck Islam and your prophet Mohammed was a paedophile and a woman hater.
They must be "cultural Muslims" then, as to be a sincere adherent of Islam its required to believe non believers deserve to die, be treated as evildoers (infidels), apostates should be killed and that women are inferior. These are not only a required beliefs but to get to the Islamic version of Heaven they will be rewarded for acting on those precepts.
I've seen it. Terrible. Albo and co have condemned with their usual, "there's no place for anti-Semitism here..." and the like. How long can they keep saying it?
Albo's not a strong enough leader to do anything besides mouth homilies. He has proven himself singularly inept, which demonstrates once again that opposition is often easier than governing (see also Starmer and Biden).
You’ve described beautifully the difference between “Islamophobia” and anti-Semitism. What’s happening in the UK re the rape gangs, and the priority given to avoiding offending Muslims over the protection of, and justice for girls, is terrifying. We must oppose blasphemy laws without exception. Hitchens was right.
Brilliant. Thank you.Your paragraph beginning "The combined sermons of two western Sydney imams ..." speaks to a subtle point: I, a Jew, am careful about how I phrase criticism of Islam. I am always uncomfortable criticising religious belief systems. They, the Imams, OTOH, are totally comfortable here in Australia to say what they like. They are not actually in any real fear of anything. Their statements demonstrate it.
Yes - brilliant. Yet again, Julie, you write about one of the most pressing issues of the day with utmost clarity and insight. Whatever is in your cereal, keep eating it because it works ! Look after yourself and stay well. The world needs your voice.
Very troubling. Material realities are being obscenely falsely compared – ugly graffiti with firebombing synagogues – and non-incitement freedoms of expression are being branded as hate crimes whilst horrifying actual hate crimes are being branded as a legitimate act of resistance. And like you said, Julie, any sort of mockery and profanity towards Christianity is mainstream in academic, Leftist, theatre, and edgy arts contexts, and nobody gives a fuck. We are happy Voltaireans when it comes to some religions. But now, all of a sudden, we have this precious religious sensibility towards anyone who is not Jewish or Christian. On the one hand, this is a cultural death wish, as the West is deeply embedded in Greek philosophy, Roman law, and the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. But as you point out, antisemitism has a very long and recurring history in the West, albeit that the Christian saviour was a Jew. Antisemitism is a known and virulent scapegoat reflex in the West, which we must diligently guard against. Very troubling. Vale Elsa Cayat.
Yes I imagine "Fuck Jesus" or whatever scrawled on a wall near a church or whatever would feel highly threatening to local Christians-- especially as it could easily be the work of an Islamist. But somehow I can't see Burke et-al being performatively outraged should that happen.
Yes Julie… it wouldn’t be nice if impious and blasphemous insults were painted on the wall of my church, but, these sort of explicitly anti-Christian profanities so dominate our entertainment culture (“Jesus Christ!” having pretty much the same low level dramatic profanity impact as “what the fuck?”) that they hardly register. In the face of anti-Christian graffiti we (my fellow congregants) would probably assume that some young rebel (possibly the pastor’s son) was being egged on by ratbag peers rather than it being any sort of targeted hate crime. And indeed, Christians have not been a vulnerable minority in the West for a very long time. So in some sense, nobody caring about disrespecting the dominant religious tradition of the West is, well, strangely (culturally) Christian. Further, it is very unlikely that an Islamist would profane Jesus, who, to Islam, is one of the seven great prophets sent by God (and, intriguingly, Islam expects the second coming of Isa (Jesus) too!). But Islamic anti-Israelism is a very different kettle of fish (though it is not technically antisemitic, as most Arab nationalist antagonists to the existence of the state of Israel are also semitic). Though – returning to an Islam-Christian context – I do remember with strange humour the case of a play put on in London depicting Jesus as gay, that was shut down because London Muslims objected to such a depiction of one of their prophets, whilst no Christian expressed any public objection. None of this is to detract from your observation that neither ALP nor LNP politicians would be in any manner likely to defend respect for anything Christian (OK, ScoMo seemed to give something like that a go, though many Australian Christians, such as myself, found the attempt to fly something like a US religious right flag on Australian soil intrinsically distressing). But what is really going on has nothing to do with serious religion, it is simply duplicitous woke virtue signalling, a chilling re-kindling of that great Western blight, antisemitism, and the politics of delinquent sloganing being dangerously charged up for cheap political leverage.
Sorry to rabbit on here, but it is important to bear in mind that "kill the Christians/Jews/Muslims" is definite incitement to violence, it would be legally actionable hate speech, and is not valid free speech. Arguably, however, "fuck the Christians/Muslims/Jews" is fair game as free speech in a secular liberal democracy, as needlessly obscene, obnoxious, and intended to offend, as it no doubt would also be. But there are differences there as well. With the deep and broad demographic decline of Western Christianity, getting shitty about the (in many cases) genuine failures of cultural and institutional Christianity in the West, is largely seen as a 'growing up' sort of revolt against our own cultural parents, its all the rage in the university, and is sexy and fashionable. (Turning sexual union into a profanity – i.e., the popularity of ‘fuck’ as a swear word – is all part of this cultural rejection of anything Christian, as Christian notions of maritally sanctified sexual love were seen as holy. Profanities only work if you insult something that is holy.) But antisemitism does not have the same historical topography as Western anti-Christianity. Anti Jewish and anti Black racism has had very ugly violent hate crime histories in the 20th century West, unlike anti-Christian sentiments (in the West, but talk to Pakistani, Palestinian, Egyptians, Armenian Christians and you will get a very different story). So there indeed should be serious caution about obnoxious racist sentiments being expressed towards Jews. Matterially, however, firebombing Synagogues (and I remember the firebombing of Mosques after 9/11 too) is way beyond obnoxious, it is criminal and it is designed to promote violence against Jews, and it is in no manner equivalent to some obnoxious juvenile delinquent slogan being scrawled on a wall.
Dr. Gad Saad, who escaped Islamic persecution in Lebanon says: Stop coming up with qualifiers before the word Islam. “It’s not radical Islam, it’s not Islamism, It’s not militant, violent, extremism – It’s Islam.”
Yes that's a fair point. What is "Islam" anyway? It is whatever people decide it is in a particular place and in a particular context. We confuse ourselves with all the unnecessary qualifiers and contortions.
I prefer less emphasis on the texts and more scrutiny on the actions of those purporting to act in accordance with such texts. Frankly, the violence perpetrated should be separated from the alleged religious basis for it.
Fearless and forthright. Thank you Julie.
Brave and brilliant Julie. Having just seen the latest vandalism attack, the words “fuck the Jews” sprayed on a car, your article is almost prophetic!
Unfortunately so... thanks Sharonne. x
Brilliant article thank you
Thank you Julie. Yes, it should not be surprising that there is a wee bit of Islamophobia about at the moment.
We can thank the Runnymede Trust for coining the modern concept of Islamophobia in their 1996 Commission on British Muslims. In 1992 Runnymede also had a Commission on antisemitism. Since 1968 Runnymede has been influential in the manufacture, block by block, of the multiculturalism policy edifice in the UK.
The latest outbreak of the ongoing Islamist war on Israe,l and now the latest eruption of the ongoing British Muslim grooming gangs scandal, both reveal how the notion of Islamophobia is weaponised to muffle justified outrage at atrocities committed in the name of Islam, and to neuter our institutions from holding perpetrators accountable.
Multiculturalism only works if everyone plays nice.
So true. "Multicultural policy edifice" -- I like that. Especially for the suggestion it could conceivably be knocked down..
Fortunately, we are starting to some traction for the premise that multiculturalism is not an unalloyed good thing. Unfortunately, certain cultures do not mix well without guidance and the strong enforcement of law, blind to cultural sensitivities. I am hopeful that some good will come out of the whole rape gangs scandal, in that politicians will be forced to accept that the safety of the people they govern should trump so-called "community cohesion".
Agree with your distinction (of course).
Just emailed you the last chpt of my 2017 book Women, Insecurity and Violence in a Post-9/11 World. The chpt is titled 'Being Charlie, Being Paris.' Guess what it's about. Among other things, there's quite a bit about the nonsense concerning 'defamation of/insult to' religions, which climbed into lofty UN heights some time ago. And now in Oz we have a Special Person to deal with Islamophobia (which of course is not in my chpt: different chronotope).
And yes, guess what will be in my blog this week.
I like your dedication to Elsa Cayat.
Looking forward to your post Bronwyn!
I'm so grateful for your comments. I agree with Ann Drillich who wishes you well and urges you to take care of yourself - we seriously need the clarity of voices like yours.
This isn't helping my Islamistaphobia Julie!
Thanks so much. Dick
"Will Durant in The Story of Civilization categorically states that the Islamic conquest of India is “probably the bloodiest story in history”. He adds: “It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precarious thing, whose delicate complex of order and liberty, culture and peace may at any time be overthrown by barbarians invading from without….” Some further context for your most recent contribution Julie. Important to remember, be aware when thinking about these matters now.
Not ever playing nice with Muslims. I've been saying this since the 1980s and will continue to do so. Fuck Islam and your prophet Mohammed was a paedophile and a woman hater.
I'll play nice with Muslims unless there's a good reason not to. But I won't play nice with Islam because it doesn't deserve it.
They must be "cultural Muslims" then, as to be a sincere adherent of Islam its required to believe non believers deserve to die, be treated as evildoers (infidels), apostates should be killed and that women are inferior. These are not only a required beliefs but to get to the Islamic version of Heaven they will be rewarded for acting on those precepts.
How ironic that there is a brand new vandaliisation of a parked car in a predominantly Jewish suburb, overnight [Reported 06/01/2025]
Haven't heard a comment or condemnation from ANY politician yet.
Probably won't...
(Not skilled enough - Baby Boomer - to post Alex Ryvchin's posted photo)
I've seen it. Terrible. Albo and co have condemned with their usual, "there's no place for anti-Semitism here..." and the like. How long can they keep saying it?
Like a cracked record. Time they took the problem seriously.
Albo's not a strong enough leader to do anything besides mouth homilies. He has proven himself singularly inept, which demonstrates once again that opposition is often easier than governing (see also Starmer and Biden).